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Early bird pricing available for Fail Safe 2018!

At Fail Safe 2018, leaders from Edmonton and abroad are gathering for conversations about failure, how it manifests, and how to wield it for good. Failure is positive. It’s essential for building capacity and spurring experimentation and iterative growth in non-profits, governments, and private organizations alike. Too often failure is viewed as taboo, something to run …

2018 NGO Sustainability Champions Workshop Series

  Non-profit organizations create positive social, environmental and economic impacts for their communities. At the same time, they are expected to be role models whose own staff and operations “walk the talk” in terms of sustainability. This can be a challenge given limited time, support and funding. Edmonton Chamber of Voluntary Organizations and The Natural …

The Recruitment Grind: Recapping Our Latest Think Tank Conversation

by Sharon Mvundura Think Tank Conversations are a bi-monthly meetup of those who manage, coordinate and engage volunteers in Edmonton. The space we have created is one of discussion, networking and working through the trends, challenges and success volunteer coordinators face in their roles. We kicked off 2018 with a January discussion on Volunteer Recruitment …