We’re seeking new voices to join the ECVO board to guide our work and inspire transformation in Edmonton’s non-profit sector. ECVO’s board of directors guides the organization towards achieving its strategic goals, while also driving systemic transformation towards a more equitable and inclusive sector. Board Directors govern through policy to ensure sound, ethical, legal, …
Monthly Archives: March 2023
AGLC Letter
We need your help! In August 2022, the ECVO wrote a letter of objection to the AGLC regarding the proposed relocation of the Camrose Casino from 3201 48th Avenue, Camrose, Alberta, to 420 Parsons Road SW, Edmonton, Alberta. The proposed move could see Edmonton area charities lose out on millions of dollars in funding. In …
Nonprofit Vote
By The Nonprofit Vote Election season is upon us, and with it, comes the launch of Nonprofit Vote. It’s a chance for us to use our collective voice to make non-profit sector issues election issues. With a provincial election on the horizon, we call on Alberta’s parties to include the 1 out of every 20 …
Edmonton’s Advocacy Normalizing Sex Work through Education and Resources Society (ANSWERS) fights to ensure Every Woman Counts.
On International Women’s Day, we explore this year’s themes of Embracing Equity and Every Woman Counts. Both themes are a reminder and call to action that all people, regardless of their gender, have the right to belong, to be seen, and to thrive in our communities. A group that has historically experienced being excluded from …