Every weekday during National Volunteer Week, we’ll post an article about a different aspect of volunteering in Edmonton. We encourage you to join the conversations on Twitter by following @EdmCVO and by using the hashtags #yegvolunteers and #NVW2018!
Volunteering—most of us know what that word means: giving your time, talent and effort to a cause for free. Yes, for free! But why do it?
We live in a fast-paced society where all of us have responsibilities and limited time. The secret about volunteering is that it’s not just about giving. You also receive when you volunteer. These benefits of volunteering may surprise you:
Social Connections

Volunteering is a great way to meet new people in an organized setting. The great thing is, you probably have something in common with your co-volunteers because you all have interest in giving back. If you’re new to Edmonton or looking to expand your social circle, try volunteering.
Career & Professional Development
Whether you’re exploring a new field of work, seeking experience for your resume, or wanting to boost your chances of getting a scholarship for school, volunteering is the answer. There are so many volunteer opportunities out there that cover a variety of skills that can give you valuable experience. You can list your volunteer experience on your resume to show your interests and personality but also the transferrable skills that might help you land that position.
This may surprise you, but volunteering is great for your health and wellness. Many volunteer activities involve being active but it also just feels good. In fact, there’s even a study that found people that volunteer live longer! When you actively engage in your community and spend your time doing something positive, you’re sure to feel good in your mind, body and soul.
What’s your reason for volunteering? Let us know by tweeting at us at @EdmCVO and by using the hashtags #yegvolunteers and #NVW2018!
Still unsure where to go from here? Visit our blog tomorrow where we’ll explore HOW you can start volunteering!